Half-Life 2 and Episode 1 for free

The first to respond in the comments can get Half-Life 2 and Episode 1 for free!

Just let me know what you want to have (one of them or both) and I’ll contact you via email if you won. You need a Steam account to receive it.


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  1. Sean O

    I do!

  2. Sean O


  3. Me. 🙂 episode 2 plz.

  4. Ok, Sean won, congratulations!

  5. Me too late.

  6. AndreAgosto

    Hei! repeat please!

    me too.

  7. Mel

    Hi! And me too! Both.

  8. You’re way too late 🙂

  9. Luigi

    Pleeeeeeease Jörn 😛 Will someone email me if they know anyway to get it for free? I had it but then my parents got a new hard-drive and didn’t think about it. It deleted all of my stuff 🙁 I forgot to add it to my Steam account. Anyway, I would be greatful if anyone wants to help me out. Thanks,


  10. marc toro

    i want both of them…because this is the best game i like and..well i never got to play them and iv tried EVERYTHING to try to get them..but i didn’t so that’s why i want them