Alle Artikel der 'Design' Kategorie

Ideas for better data privacy usability

This morning I got an email like this: Hi [customer], If your inbox is anything like ours, it’s recently been filled with emails like this one: a company updating its policies. You’re probably going to receive many more before May 25 because of a new European privacy law called the General Data Protection Regulation (or […]

Motional desktop and the last tweak

This is a guest post by my friend Tobi, on how to create a fancy custom animated desktop wallpaper. —Jörn Ever wondered if it is possible to create an animated background for Windows 7, since ActiveDesktop has been removed? The answer is: YES, IT IS. Lets start with the last tweak and then putting the […]

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance is currently my favorite example of a design principle based on psychology. The idea is that people adjust their attidude towards something in unrational ways, up to a certain incentive. Let’s let Dogbert explain: And this is from 1992! A great example is described in Universal Principles of Design: Perhaps the most successful […]

Uncertainty Principle

The act of measuring certain sensitive variables in a system can alter them, and confound the accuracy of the measurement. from Universal Principles of Design In other words: A more accurate measure has more influence on the measured system. Accuarcy and invasiveness have an inverse relationship. In even other words, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation) […]