This blog is about programming (with focus on web applications and JavaScript), music and other stuff the author happens to write about.
Created by Jörn Zaefferer:
Want to know more?
- Jörn is a software engineer, living in Köln, Germany, currently building audio toys for kids at Tonies.
- He worked at sloppy.io for several years, building a Docker hosting service aimed at developers.
- He used to work as a freelance web developer, consultant and trainer for several, including a long project at SoundCloud.
- He has been involved in the jQuery project since the beginning in 2006, and helped found the jQuery Foundation (now OpenJS Foundation), serving on the board of directors till early 2015.
- He was development lead of jQuery UI.
- He created QUnit, a JavaScript unit testing framework, and helps maintain it as a project of the jQuery Foundation.
- He created and maintained a number of open source projects, most of them available on npm. The jQuery Validation plugin is by far the most popular of these, used on thousands of sites.
- He tweets as @bassistance.