Wallraff Interview, Sozialdebatte, Religion

Hier sind drei Artikel auf zeit.de, ich die allesamt sehe empfehlen kann.

Zum einen ein Streitgespräch mit Günter Wallraff, zu dessen Buch Aus der schönen neuen Welt (ebenfalls sehr empfehlenswert) und den zugehörigen Film, Schwarz auf Weiss. Auch die am Ende erwähnte Titanic-Satire dazu lesen!

Dann wäre da ein Artikel zur Sozialdebatte, auch wenn in der URL Armutsdebatte steht. Es sollte schwer fallen, dem uneingeschränkt zuzustimmen, aber als Denkanstoß sehr gut.

Wieder was ganz anderes: Der Bericht von Jemand, der wegen das Papstes aus der Kirche austreten will, und dies zunächst mit Pfarrern aus ganz Deutschland bei der Beichte bespricht.

Technical issues

The auto-update to 2.9 didn’t went that well, seems like WordPress is choking on my wp-content folder. At least I managed to restore it to the default theme. That’ll have to do until I manage to reproduce and fix the error locally.

Regex search-and-replace to add script elements to a lot of html files

I needed to add a script tag in every file that included jquery.ui.core.js, directly after that that existing element, with the same indentation. This is what worked quite nicely for me:

Search for: (\s+)<script type=”text/javascript” src=”(.+)/ui/jquery.ui.core.js”></script>

Replace with: $1<script type=”text/javascript” src=”$2/ui/jquery.ui.core.js”></script>$1<script type=”text/javascript” src=”$2/ui/jquery.ui.widget.js”></script>

It groups the whitespace in front of the script element as well as the “../../”-part, and then just duplicates it, inserting the matched groups.

Release: Validation Plugin 1.6

Update update: Files are now availble via Microsoft’s AJAX CDN.

An update for the jQuery validation plugin is available. There are five new localizations (now at 26 in total), including Arabic and Farsi (both right-to-left). Validation of selects is now more interactive, click events are properly handled to provide quicker feedback (also a bug related to selects in IE8 is fixed). The equalTo-method is now aware of changes to the target field, so a change to a password field will be reflected in a confirm-password field. And more…

Download this release.

The only not fully backwards-compatible change (if you spot anything else, please report it as a bug): The dateDE and numberDE methods were replaced with a localization/methods_de.js file, with localized versions of both the date and number methods. There are also localized methods for the NL and PT locales. The goal is to gather more localized versions of these, similar to the localized messages.

The full changelog:

As usual, support is available via:

  • Please post questions to the jQuery discussion list, putting “(validate)” into the subject of your post, making it easier to spot it and respond quickly. Keep your question short and succinct and provide code when possible; a testpage makes it much more likely that you get an useful answer in no time.
  • Please post bug reports and other contributions (enhancements, features, eg. new validation methods) to the plugins.jQuery.com bug tracker (requires registration).
